Considering the last time I published on Beccacore was for a different quirky journalistic project (watching Luke report from the Creed cruise), it only makes sense that this time is for something even more unexpected: As of very recently, I’ve agreed to write a dating advice book pegged to the reality TV show Love Island. It’s called BECOMING THE BOMBSHELL: WHAT LOVE ISLAND TEACHES US ABOUT DATING, and it’ll be on bookshelves May 27th, 2025!
I am so excited! And also very flabbergasted about how I, a journalist who has not dated since the year 2018, ended up here. Like most things in publishing, it was about timing and a sort of kismet of randomness. Back in July, I wrote a piece for Vox about how for the first time ever, this summer’s season of Love Island US was superior to the UK version. A few months later, I got an email from two editors at Simon & Schuster asking me if I’d like to write a book on the topic. At first I assumed it was going to be some sort of heavily reported, investigative nonfiction book about the real story behind Love Island, but as it turned out, they’d had an idea for a dating advice book tied to the show.
So in October I put together a mini proposal with chapter ideas and a sample, and then about a week and a half ago they were like, “Hey, so we actually want this in time for the upcoming season of Love Island, would you be able to file the manuscript by mid-January?” And I said, “Hahahahahhahahahahhahahha sure!!!!!!”
The deadline is extremely scary not just because a 60,000-word book means I need to write more than 6,000 words every week for the next two months, but also because I have a full-time job which involves writing all day, and I’m planning a wedding that’s taking place in the same month the book is coming out, and Luke and I also have to find and move into a new apartment at some point before February. That’s too many things!!!!
The writing process has actually been pretty fun so far, though. Because so much of it centers on real-world advice, I’ve been interviewing my friends about their dating lives, which so far has been lowkey quite moving and like, life-affirming? My hope is that when people read the book, they feel like they have all my favorite people in their ear, like a group chat on paper (please read “on paper” in a very strong Essex accent for maximum effect).
As of now, I’m four chapters down and have 15 more to go. Which is ahead of schedule! How fabulous and un-Carrie Bradshaw of me! And so far I haven’t flaked out on any of my social obligations save for one: I officially dropped out of our Ulysses book club. I made it like halfway through that monstrosity, which is long enough to form an opinion on that book and my opinion is that it is annoying.
But anyway, I guess if you have any productivity advice (the Pomodoro Technique is currently my best friend), let me know. And if I don’t get back to you it’s because I’m that meme of Kermit typing really fast.
Future me will post an update in February once I finish this marathon and hopefully have a new apartment. I’m soooo jealous of her!
Have a lovely Thanksgiving!